Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday, July 29, 2005

Does anyone ever read this?

Just curious. If you do read this then leave a comment so I know you are there.

All is well here. Haven't heard from Ellen in several days. I assume everything is fine. They are probably just busy and haven't had time to make it to the internet cafe to check email. They are scheduled to come home tomorrow evening. The boys and I are ready for them to get home.

Actuallly, things have been running very smoothly this week. The boys have been behaving and we have had some fun. I don't know exactly what we did each evening but it was night I had a church meeting, we played outside a lot (kickball, 4-square, H-O-R-S-E, etc...) Last night I mowed while they played. At bedtime we have a campout in my room and read books.

I rode the Harley to work today because Fridays during the summer is "jeans day." Also, there are a bunch of bikers coming thru town today on a cross-country trip. It is the Kyle Petty (NASCAR driver) / Chik-fil-a Charity Ride. See :

Petty Charity Ride Website

They are stopping in Greenwood right by our house around 3pm today. I imagine there will be tons of people there since there will be several big name NASCAR drivers on their motorcycles making their way to NC.

Tonight I pretty much promised the boys we'd go to the driving range. I would have liked to have gone camping this weekend but with the Tulum trip rescheduled it didn't work out. Starting next week things start to gear up for school and the lazy days of summer will fade away. Nate has soccer camp M-F and Alex starts Marching Band again. Then school begins Aug 15th. Yikes!!! I wish the summer was longer for the kids! We will still go camping once or twice this summer/fall though. Ellen and I also hope to get away with 2 other couples on the motorcycle to go to Madison, IN on the Ohio River to spend the night. The terrain gets nice and rolling down there and it will be nice. However, our weekends tend to get booked quickly. Also, Alex has a big marching band committment! They perform at all Home Games and then also have these weekend competitions all over the place. I don't think we know yet what we are in for! Then Nate has his travel soccer games and practices. I am glad that Chase is still playing recreational soccer...he really enjoys that. Some of his buddies have moved up to "travel" but I think he is better suited in rec for a while. At least they aren't in dumb sports like hockey where the Dad has to go to 7am games and stand outside in the cold! Jeesh....who would ever let their kid do that !?!?!?

Speaking if High School....can you even imagine that by April Alex will be getting her "learner's permit" to drive. Y I K E S !!!! ramblings must end. I hope someone is reading this.!


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