Monday, July 25, 2005

Monday, July 25 2005

Well, I assume that Ellen and Alex made it to Tulum in good order. Haven't heard anything and may not for several days. There was a little internet-cafe in Tulum that she has used in the past. Hard to know if it is still there though.

The boys and I are getting along fine. Yesterday was VERY hot so we played in the sprinkler, spent some time inside and waited for the sun to set. We had dinner and then played four-square with the neighbors. We were all pretty tired by bedtime.

It is VERY hot here again today. I hope to take the boys to the Greenwood City Pool tonight at 6pm if at all possible. We haven't been there in a LONG time...maybe several years. They have a nice diving well which the boys will enjoy I'm sure.

I hope you are all doing well. Keep in touch!

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