Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thursday, July 21

Well....we just got word that Ellen and Alex ARE going to leave for Mexico this Sunday at 10am. They have to be at the airport at 8am. There has been a lot of communication flying back and forth about whether this trip would go or not. It is a little bit oif an unusual circumstance because the Presbytery is calling the shots since they have organized this trip. Usually our individual church handles all these details and calls the shots.

I think they are going to get Malaria meds and Typhoid shots just to be safe. There is some concern about standing water and increased mosquito activity. Apparently Tulum was spared from the major damage that took place starting just a few miles north. The forecast is for rain they better take their galoshes and ponchos!

We are planning on going to the Indianapolis Symphony on the Prairie tomorrow night. A vocal group from Millikin is singing with the symphony. There will be other alums there and representatives from Decatur.I hope it is fun.

Tonight, Chase and I are scheduled to go to an Indianapolis Indians baseball game with people from my work. Thunderstorms are called for so we'll see. Nate has travel soccer practice tonight and Alex has some more Freshman Orientation at the High School. She spent 5 hours there this morning getting oriented. It is a HUGE school that can be confusing!

Nate is really irritated right now because I won't let him ride the neighbors new "pocket bike." These are motorized, miniature versions of a Japanese speed bike. He just called me at work and is really irritated because I won't let him ride. I am such an EVIL Dad!!!!!!!!!

Well....that's it for now. Keep in touch.

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