Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wednesday July 13

Well, yesterday was certainly interesting. Nate and Alex were home alone during the day and I got a call from Nate telling me he didn't feel good. So I went home and he subsequently threw up ... alot! Then he said he felt better so I went back to work. Then at 4 he called again and was throwing back I went again. Then he got a really bad migraine. He sometimes gets headaches (he takes a daily migraine med) but this was one of those where he has to be in a dark room with no noise, etc. He was writhing in pain so we gave him some more meds (nasal spray) which helped him after an hour or so. But, the side effects are dizziness and it was a lONG night. I just called home and he is still not awake (10am).

Chase returns today from church camp ( It will be great to have him back again!

Alex is starting to send out her Heartwalk letters. Her goal is $15,000!!!!!!! You can track her progress online here.

Alex and Ellen leave for Mexico (mission trip) on Sunday for a week. We will certainly miss them !!!

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