Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wednesday Aug 17

Well, no one reads this so this is turning out to be more of a diary than anything. All 3 kids are in school now and seem to be fine. Chase is in his familiar environment and doing fine. Nate is doing great so far. He has met some new friends and is okay. Alex is doing fine too. She is having consistent heart issues which is extremely frustrating for her. I am taking her to Riley Friday for an appointment. Need to mow the grass tonight and fix dinner. Chase is coming to my office after school because we still don't have after-school care figured out. I think we are getting close though. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for Nate to be in charge and Chase be there we are having to hire someone to be with Chase from 3:30-5 most days. Whatever!

Things are just busy as usual...we'll keep you posted!


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