Monday, August 08, 2005

Monday Aug 8

Well, we had a nice weekend. Summer break is quickly coming to an end so we are cramming some more fun stuff in these last few days. For instance, Sunday afternoon we checked off one of the things on the kid's summer list: take Molly to the creek. We walk from our house down to the creek and we all get in and walk up and down the creek a ways and let Molly romp in the water. It was a lot of fun and definitely a family tradition the kids will remember.

Saturday we participated in a cul-de-sac garage sale. We put out some stuff and made about $50. The remainder went to Goodwill. Nice to clear some stuff out....our garage is still packed for some reason. We celebrated by buying steaks and grilling out Sat night. We had enough leftover to feed us dinner on Sunday too! I made some osrt of quesadilla thing...I filled large flour tortillas with steak, refried beans, tomatoes, onions, cheese and folded the tortilla in half. Then I lightly buttered both sides and grilled them outside (on a griddle placed on the grill). They got golden brown and tasted great. We put sour cream and guacamole on them once they were on the plate. I'd like to add some green chiles to spice it up a little.

There is usually a four-square game every night (or what we used to call circle ball). It is fun because the kids are getting old enough now to have a pretty good game. Sometimes we also play cornhole which is fun. Here is what cornhole is.

Alex is back at marching band this week from 9-5. She has been having arrythmias lately which has been troublesome for her. We hope they go away....but we are not sure what is going on. She is really frustrated...which is understandable. She is a real trooper.

I have some meetings this week. I am really trying to slow down at church....right now I lead the Mission committee, lead the Major Gifts committee, and on the nominating committee, and am on the personnel committee. And there's the band too. By 12/31/05 I hope to be down to one committee and the band. I'd like to help some more at Cub Scouts this year and maybe marching band.

That's all for now. Keep in touch.

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