Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Study Shows Unemployment Can Be Deadly

Great. Just great. As if I wasn't stressed enough already my wife shows me this article.

In reality I am not that stressed...yet. However I was speaking with a friend at our Rotary meeting this morning. He was recently hired...after 31 months of unemployment. Yikes. I see that Home Depot is hiring down the street.

I have had several professional opportunities go by the wayside already. One because I hadn't been in the I.T. field for more than 10 years and they went with someone who was in I.T. currently. Another because they only wanted to hire someone who had particular experience in their industry. Too bad because I really thought I could have contributed there! Some places are putting off hiring decisions, etc.

So, back to the networking circuit. I don't mind it. People have been very good (for the most part) about agreeing to at least meet and share ideas and thoughts. My problem is that I go into meetings thinking I am a prefect candidate for these positions...for the most part. Why wouldn't they want to hire me? I mean....c'mon!! :)

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