Thursday, April 21, 2011

Know people...make a difference

I have lived in Indianapolis for over 20 years now. Over those years I have become connected with various organizations and individuals. Some connections stemmed from work activities, some from church, some from our kid's activities, and some from volunteer efforts. None of these relationships were created on false pretenses or simply for the idea that I might "need something someday."

However, when you do the right things for the right reasons you tend to make solid friendships that last a long, long time. All of my volunteer activities have centered around something I was passionate about: Church, Heart (cardiac) organizations, soccer, football, scouts, those less fortunate, etc. I have always enjoyed these efforts -- a trait learned as a child back in Decatur, Illinois. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!).

Now, when I am "in need" myself I find that these longtime friends are willing to help out in any way they can. Mostly this means networking for a new position. People are willing to lend their endorsement and open up their "rolodex" if they have some contacts that make sense.

So....get involved in your community. But don't get involved just to pad your resume. Get involved in something that makes sense to you...something you are passionate about. There are SO many ways to help others.

Go on.....make a difference today.

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