Thursday, November 03, 2005

November 3, 2005

Well, I know it has been awhile! Sorry. I know you visit here everyday waiting for the latest update!

Here are some interesting tidbits:

  1. We got to see Alex's band perform in the RCA Dome. We sat way up high and it was neat to see the formations! They got 8th out of 32 bands. The weekend of Nov 10th are the Grand Nationals in which they will compete.
  2. It is going to be 75 tomorrow so I am going to ride the motorcycle. Out firm is having a Community Service day so I will be planting flower bulbs downtown.
  3. I spent $297 last night at the grocery store and it all fit into one cart. As they say in Texas..."Damn!"
  4. Kids are all fine. Stinkers sometimes but fine.
  5. Ellen is good too!
Here are some pics from Halloween. Pay particular attention to Nate's smile.

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