Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are you a "counter" ?

I've known for a long time that I'm a "counter." I have never told anyone because I wonder if it is some freaky kind of obsession I have that no one else has or can relate to.

Counting doesn't consume my life by any means! Don't get me wrong...I'm not weird or anything!! But as I was shoveling mulch the other day (6 cubic yards to be exact), I kept counting how many shovels full it took to fill the wheel barrow. (About 15 in case you are wondering). Why would I do this!?

I also tend to count how many steps it takes me to get between cracks in a sidewalk. What about counting steps as you ascend to your car in a parking garage?

As I started writing this Blog entry I did some internet searches and see that some people are seeing psychologists for this issue. I am proud to say that this "counting" thing does not enter my mind on a regular basis. It only occurs when I am doing some mundane task and my brain wanders off!

So...let me know if you Count.